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Zwischen duisburg und essen liegt mülheim an der ruhr. die stadt am fluss ist die heimatstadt der ehemaligen nrw-ministerpräsidentin hannelore kraft. Yandex internet moscow, moscow 108,908 followers yandex is a technology company that builds intelligent products and services powered by machine learning. wdr nachrichten mülheim ruhr The third annual ilya segalovich award ceremony, which took place in moscow last month, presented the winners with a monetary prize and other rewards in . 21:45 wdr aktuell moderation: martina eßer. wird geladen. 03:55 lokalzeit ruhr der blick in die region. wird geladen.
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Yandex open source projects and technologies. yandex has 95 repositories available. follow their code on github. Yandex. images: search for images online or search by image. macro photography of nature. berry pie. under the sea. altai. tropical island. jam. quilling cards. enceladus photos. Yandex n. v. (/ ˈ j ʌ n d ɛ k s /; russian: Яндекс, ipa: ) is a russian dutch-domiciled multinational corporation providing over 70 internet-related products and services, including transportation, search and information services, e-commerce, navigation, mobile applications, and online advertising.
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